Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 11, 2010


In the Small Talk preschool room called Stars, there is a stuffed triceratops named Patchy. If a child is particularly good, he or she gets to take Patchy home for the night. The next day, the child brings some photos about his or her time with Patchy to share with class. Here are Nathan's photos.
Patchy came home with Nathan Chmielowski on October 19, 2010.
Patchy sat next to Nathan as he ate snacks and meals at the table.

Nathan and his brother, Henry, built a house for Patchy out of wooden blocks.
Nathan and Henry dressed up as firemen and played with Patchy.

At bedtime, Nathan read a story about a baby triceratops to Patchy. We had lots of fun with Patchy!

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