Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Friday, November 12, 2010

Bend adventures

After almost four weeks in California swimming in the Eel River, visiting Yosemite and relaxing in the Santa Cruz mountains, the boys and I went to Bend, Oregon for some fun on the farm.

They got to use the backhoe to dig up rocks:

They caught grasshoppers in the hay field to feed to Spike (the lizard):

They went swimming with Caitlin in the Deschutes River:

Caught more grasshoppers:

Went fishing in the boat:

Marie with her catch:

Caitlin caught some too:

And me:

Henry at Little Lava Lake:

Bedtime reading with Granddad (aka Grand):

Silly Marie:

Crawdaddy catch:

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