Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Pyramids of Giza

On the fourth of July, Joe and I went to see the pyramids! They are one of the great wonders of the world, and I knew that I could not face my family and friends if I returned without seeing them. First we checked out the big one and went inside it to the central burial chamber.

You can see that the original entrance to the passage way was uncovered later (upside down V-shaped rocks). Tourists enter the pyramid via a second entrance below it and to the right.
The guard took our picture at the entrance to the great pyramid.

Another guard insisted that I pose for this photo. For some baksheesh, of course.

Tourists riding camels in the desert:

Two smaller pyramids. Originally, all the pyramids had a smooth layer of limestone on them like the top of the pyramid on the right, and they had gold caps! The limestone cover rocks, as well as many stone blocks, were taken from the pyramids for building houses a long time ago.

Joe with the Sphinx:

The Sphinx and two pyramids:

And two videos:

1 comment:

Sooz said...

You know what they say when choosing where to build your pyramid: location, location, location.