Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Post from Joe

Guest post from Joe:

Just wanted to wish you a happy 4th of July. I took the day off and we went to the pyramids and actually climbed up inside the big one. That costs an extra one hundred Egyptian Pounds per person (is about $20 U.S. dollars). It was very hot and humid in there, and after climbing hunched over in a very short tunnel we made it to the burial chamber inside. After that we walked around the other large pyramid (didn’t go inside) and saw the sphinx as well. By 1:00pm we were parched and drove back home – which, the driving is even more breathtaking and adventuresome than the Pyramids!

We then celebrated the 4th properly at a place called Maadi House which is a club for the U.S. embassy employees. We got in as guests after getting turned away at the door (we are not embassy employees) and Jessie was frustrated. She asked a couple going in if we could be their guests and they said “sure!” It probably helped to have the twins whining and crying and saying “we are thirsty.” Once inside they had hot dogs, hamburgers, baked beans, music, stuff for the kids, a marine unit raising the flag and a small swimming pool.

So – we had a good day and life is getting better each week as we settle into our new surroundings.

PS – speaking of grilling, I got my grill from Alaska hooked up. Tougher than you think because they sell butane over here, not propane. Had to have someone help me retrofit the valve, get new tanks etc. to make it work. Now we can make our own hamburgers (I purchased some frozen meats off of a guy who is moving back to Houston).

1 comment:

Sooz said...

Yeah, party-crashing Egypt-style! I like it! Happy you got to go see the ancient ruins!