Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Desert camping adventure: days 1 & 2

Here are some photos of our desert camping adventure in November. Reference map located here.

7am start in Maadi:

El Alamain WWII museum on Mediterranean coast:

Herd of wild camels:

Henry before we enter Qattara Depression:

Large piece of petrified wood, it was everywhere:

Sleeping Nathan:

Jessie at first oasis:

Lunch time, Alice and Henry:

Evening on sand dune:

Campsite on sand dune:

Nate playing in sand:

Henry rolling in sand:

Joe getting tents set up:


Anonymous said...

What a remote and fabulous location! Cathy

Sooz said...

Those dunes are amazing. Reminds me of a book someone recommended to me...