Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 22, 2010


The CAC is the place to be! It stands for Cairo American College, and it is a school for pre-K through high school kids. It is supposed to be an excellent school. Unfortunately, H&N just miss the September 1 cutoff so they won't be able to attend until fall 2011. No big deal except that without kids that attend the school, we don't have access to the campus. There is a huge wall all the way around it with guards at every entrance. With very limited ourdoor space for kids in Cairo, the large grassy lawns, pool and multiple play structures is a must for us. We got in a couple times as guests of other people, but we definitely needed our own pass. BP does an annual lottery drawing for people without kids at the school to get access passes, but that doesn't happen until August. Thanks to Joe, I now have a pass to the campus since BP agreed to transfer the pass of someone who is no longer in Cairo. So here we are enjoying some late afternoon playtime.

Henry beneath a flame tree:

See how happy they are to play?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Joe!