Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Those of you who read this blog probably already know, but the Chmielowskis are moving to Egypt!! Joe received a job offer with BP in December and we decided to take it! Our expected move date is in March or April. We hope to have lots of visitors.


cheris said...

I'm so jealous! You guys will have a blast.

A Life Long Scholar said...

I'll try to visit, and think you guys should come visit me in Milan, too.

The Yancey Family said...

Wow! Those of us "out of the loop" down here in 'rado had not heard the news! We hope you 4 enjoy your adventure(s) and can't wait to hear more! Also love the ELC photo, recognize some of the kids from the infant room days. Can't wait to see more photos of you all enjoying the world!

Mr Mc Merlin said...

Wooohooo! We finally ended up on the same continent! Don't visit me in Angola, I'll come visit you guys!

McFets said...

Holy moly! Congratulations. Maybe you could go the long way there and stop over in Australia to visit us. :-)

Aunt Barbara said...

so did the volcano in Iceland delay your flight?