Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Monday, August 31, 2009

Ironman & Ninja Turtles

Since Nate and Henry very rarely watch TV, and then only watch "mom & dad approved" dvds, I'm not sure where they learned to love cartoon characters like Power Rangers, Ironman, Spiderman and Ninja Turtles. But they do! They love these shirts as soon as they lay eyes on them. Meemaw spoils the boys by sending them super cool shirts from California to feed their addiction. Here Nathan models a blue Ninja Turtles shirt, and Henry sports a yellow Ironman shirt.

1 comment:

The Adventures of Carrie, Brook, Finn and Reid said...

Nice shirts, boys!

Before we introduced television to the boys at age 2, they were OBSESSED with Elmo. We never even talked about Elmo or had anything Elmo-related in our house. But they had Elmo-dar (similar to radar) as far as the eye could see. Little did we know it was because of some Elmo dancing doll they had at school (that all the 20 month olds fought over!).

Pretty soon our kids are going to be requesting Halloween costumes in the form of characters such as Spiderman and Superman.