Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Solstice weekend at Spencer Glacier

We spent a fun-filled weekend camping at the Spencer Glacier with a bunch of friends. We drove to Portage, boarded the train and got off at the Spencer Glacier whistle stop:

Then we walked a little over a mile to the campground:

Joe and I each slept with a child in these 2-man tents:
Nathan cozy in his sleeping bag:
Our tents were very close to this fabulous view of the glacier:
Glacier view near the campground:

Each day we walked along this 1.5 mile trail right up to the glacier:

Joe at the glacier:
Henry walking on the glacier:
Angel Face Nathan on the train going home:


The Johnson clan said...

Your little ones aren't so little anymore. WOW! Everyone looks great. Happy, healthy and enjoying life. We miss the gang. Take care - Gina

Sooz said...

geez the twinskis are growing fast!!!
sooo cute! and happy B-day Jessie!!