Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Kona - The Big Island

We spent almost two weeks on the Big Island in Kona with our friends Peter, Amy, Rob, Nolan and Robyn. Nolan and Robyn are 4 year old twins. My mom and stepdad joined us for Thanksgiving week. Here are some highlights:

Nate buried in the sand:

Again! It's a favorite beach activity:

Nolan and Robyn digging in the sand:
Nathan and Meemaw at the luau. Tiki man with fire was a big hit:

Nate and Joe chillin' in a hammock:

Nathan and Joe on the beach:

Baby yoga:

Joe, Henry and Nathan looking at a crab:

Joe buries Henry in the sand:

Amy, Rob and Peter:

Watching the big kids play in the surf:


Sooz said...

ahhh that looks so nice!! it's 16 degrees here today...

Anonymous said...

I love checking out the blog! Good job again on all the photos. I love them. I laughed out loud on the one of Henry in the ELC with the wizard hat - he was scowling. I miss you guys and will be home soon (cambridge is really interesting, but would be more fun with some twins causing some chaos).
