Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Hi, there. I just want to let H&N fans know that I am taking a short hiatus from blogging while I study for an exam to be a Professional Engineer. It really is as exciting as it sounds! Not. So please check back in late October for some new pictures of H&N!


The Adventures of Carrie, Brook, Finn and Reid said...

I have a few photos I took of you guys this past weekend---I could pass them along for those H&N fans that can't wait...just let me know!

Good luck with your exam! It! :)

The Johnson clan said...

Good luck! We will be thinking about you on test day. Hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

Good luck, Jessie. I know you will do great on the test!

Karl and LaQuita

Anonymous said...

Best of luck in your PE exam!!! Good for you to take the time to dedicate to it... not easy! See you in March:)))) (P.S. I just applied for 2 jobs in AK). Ta for now. Katie and Scott

Sooz said...

good luck hessie!
may the force be with you.

Sooz said...

k! it's late october! when is the test and/or how did it go?!?!