Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


If you can't laugh at yourself, then who can you laugh at? You'll know what I mean when you see the pictures of me "playing" tennis below. I thought I was doing pretty good, but the evidence would prove otherwise. Joe and I had a lot of fun learning a bit of tennis and even took a lesson from a pro! Henry and Nathan loved throwing tennis balls all around this court at Cathleen's parents' house.
Henry throwing a ball:
Nathan running and throwing a ball:

Dad in a tennis pose:
Suzy self portrait:
Suzy returning a shot:
Too high:

Not sure what to say about this one:

Calm and collected:
Skip this one:


Sooz said...

the natural skill and grace of these pictures is stupefying.

The Adventures of Carrie, Brook, Finn and Reid said...

I love that both you and Joe were caught striking the same pose. were meant to be together!

These are great!