Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 3, 2008

June Jubilee

Henry and Nathan started using nicknames for each other a few weeks ago. Super cute! Nathan is 'Nay-nay', and Henry is 'Nee-nee'.

Nathan's ready to swim some laps:

So much laundry to fold!

Cheeky monkey (Nate):
Cheeky monkey (Henry):
Reading is fun:
Henry likes the vet car ride at Chuck E. Cheese:

Nathan being silly around the house:
Baby wrestling:
Henry playing quietly (for about 3 seconds):
Henry taking a break:
Coloring (aka eating crayons and licking pens):

1 comment:

Sooz said...

hee hee! look at those loooooong limbs!