Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 22, 2008


I have been delinquent about updating the blog lately. The babies used up all my energy last week when they were sick. Joe and I call it the 'baby trifecta': cold with fever, shots at doctor's office and teething (with bad diaper rash). They were booted out of the ELC on Tuesday afternoon and had to stay home the rest of the week. Luckily, because we live so close to work, Joe and I did shifts at work and home. Thank goodness they are back to good health this week. Just in time to each get a bite on the arm at school yesterday. The other babies are just jealous of them for being so cute. Fortunately some of the older boys are moving on to the next room and a girl is moving up into our room. So there will be fewer kids and more girls in the room for a couple months. Maybe that will help.
I mistakenly thought that the terrible twos had started at 15 months. I now know for sure that they started at 18 months. Oh, the tantrums! Especially this last week when they were sick. Bodies repeatedly hurled to the floor in a dramatic fashion while wailing and moaning. And all because I had the audacity to offer them toast or cheese to eat (not to their liking apparently) or something equally offensive. So, I'm not really sure that I have many photos on the camera to download and share, but I'll check.
Finally, I completed my first triathlon on Sunday. It was a beautiful day and I did pretty well. Despite feeling a bit anxious about the planning and logistics that go with a triathlon, the event went smoothly and I really enjoyed it. My time was 1:25:07, and I was happy to get under an hour and a half. Joe and the babies had to stay at home so I don't have any pictures yet. I'm waiting until the event photographer posts his so I can see if there are any good ones to buy.
Here is a photo from the Bike for Women earlier this month:


The Adventures of Carrie, Brook, Finn and Reid said...

geez! we'll just call you miss active! That's great that you were able to compete in the highly coveted GN. I know a lot of people who weren't able to sign up. Brook said your time was "awesome", especially the swim.

No, no,'re telling me that the tantrums get worse off then they are NOW? Yikes!

I'm glad to hear that everyone is on the up and up!

Sooz said...

that is GREAT on the triathlon!!! good on ya, hess. twins are so cute even when throwing fits.

Holly and Dan said...

Hooray for completing the GNT - and in a great time too! You did awesome and it was fun to see you at the event, hope the pro photos came out great (although expensive)!