Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Why, Oh Why, Oh Why ??

Sweet mother of Mary! On Thursday I was convinced that spring was here for sure. Our yard was clear of snow for the second time this month and the temps reached 60 degF during the week. My hopes were dashed yet again when I woke up this morning to snow. It has been snowing all day and has accumulated at least 12 inches so far. And it's still snowing! I didn't believe this when I read it in the newspaper, but maybe the arctic really is fighting back against global warming... Maybe we should move out of state... 6+ months of winter is taking its toll on ol' Hess.

1 comment:

Sooz said...

this kind of stuff is only nice at the BEGINNING of winter. hopefully you'll have some nice warm days to melt that snow!