I didn't realize I was a blog slacker until I downloaded a bunch of pictures that had been languishing in my camera. It seems just yesterday that I updated the blog yet so much has happened.
CSI: Biter's Unit The biting continues at daycare. We had yet another conference about biting today. Here is a broken skin bite on Henry that he received yesterday. The perp remains anonymous, but we know (s)he has sharp upper front teeth that can slice back skin through two layers of clothing.
N&H assault Joe as he comes home from work. Must read now!
H&N model their new Tuffo rain suits:
N&H are big boys sitting at the table and reading the paper:
H&N love to sit in 'man' chairs:
Henry wears my Swix ski jacket, and it looks like a vampire cloak:
H&N go to work in the fridge. They are wearing new rain boots that double as PPE:
Jessie, Nate and Henry smile for the camera. I think it was just after their Sunday morning bath:
Nate has taken a fancy to wearing this handsome fisherman style hat:
Nathan before he wakes in the morning. That is one long baby:
Wow! That is one serious bite! Poor guy.
The boys look like they are all ready for a spring rain! Hopefully Spring will be here to stay one of these days.
cutest twinskis in the whole world!!
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