Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Who needs Chucky Cheese? Try the Sears Mall.

There has been quite a bit of warm weather this past week that has made a significant dent in melting the layers of ice and snow outside. Methinks it's too early to count on an early break up yet! Since the conditions were so yucky outside and we had to get the babies out of the house, Joe and I took H&N to the Sears Mall to run around. First we tried a McDonald's playhouse, but it was geared towards older kids. Joe checked out Chucky Cheese, but the toddler section was not too exciting. So on the way home we made a detour to the Sears Mall. It was a huge success! Henry and Nathan (and me and Joe) spent about 90 minutes running around the mall and through racks of clothes like a maze. (As you might have guessed from the name, this mall is not too popular so we weren't disturbing anyone.)

Nathan and Henry watch fish in an aquarium: More dangerous climbing feats:
Henry runs amok in the clothes racks at Sears:
A Sears Mall chariot takes the boys back to the car:


Sooz said...

i am assuming no use to try get them to sit, eh?

Anonymous said...

Henry and Nathan look so old in these pictures. They are very handsome, indeed. And yet, they still are little babies drinking their bottles. What an adorable age! Love, Grandma