Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

MTV cribs

Here are a couple still shots and a video that I took tonight after putting the boys down for bed. They continue this way for several minutes, gradually wind down, collapse in a heap and then fall asleep. Sweet, sweet sleep.


The Adventures of Carrie, Brook, Finn and Reid said...

Oh, man! That is hilarious!! Brook and I watched it three times and are still smiling!

Anonymous said...

Those little rascals! Looks like Henry is aiming to be the main mischief maker, much to Nate's amusement. Keep the video evidence coming!

*~*Jon & Heidi*~* said...

Hey Joe and Jessie...I sat here and watched all the videos over and over. Jon is smiling from the couch watching (he is on the phone with Karl). Steven is highly ammused by the crib video and said to play it again and again. Needless to say....THEY ARE SO DAMN CUTE! Love you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessie and Joe.... the boys are sooooo cute! and funny. I love the videos. This is a great idea in allowing us to be able to see the boys in action!