Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Little Men

It's hard to believe that Nate and Henry are almost 11 months old! Time flies. Here they are in corderoy pants and polo shirts looking like boys (not babies).

The video below is Nathan being tickled by a stuffed animal.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Wakey, wakey time

Nate and Henry are fun to wake up in the morning. They are usually still sleeping at 7am even after more than 11 hours of sleep! Squirmy bodies wriggle into strange positions. Here is Nathan with his head wedged in the corner of the crib.

Here is a video of Henry first thing in the morning.

And one of Nathan on the same day...


Henry and Nathan have recovered from their bout of toxic synovitis. Here is a video of them limp-crawling around the house.


We spent an afternoon cruising around downtown on Sunday. Here I am with the boys at a park by the performing arts center.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Toxic Synovitis

Well, I thought H&N had recovered from the cold they had over Labor Day weekend, but I was wrong. On Thursday morning, after a restless night, Henry had severe pain in his legs and wouldn't crawl or put any weight on his legs. I was extremely worried and immediately took him to the doctor after dropping Nate at the ELC. 5 hours, 3 X-rays and a blood test later, the doctor determined that he has toxic synovitis. The respiratory virus has moved down to the hip joints causing pain and inflammation. Treatment is bed rest and baby ibuprofen. Henry seems to be much better today (Friday), but is still crawling with a limp. This morning Nathan was having trouble crawling and also has a limp. Luckily, he doesn't seem to be in very much pain. Poor babies!! We cancelled our plans to go camping with Amy, Rob, Nolan and Robyn so the boys could rest at home. :( The good news is that Daddy (Joe) will be home tomorrow!

Here are two more videos that I took today, plus one still shot of Nathan with his massive forehead bruise.

H&N naked by the bed after a bath:

Nathan (in bad lighting) grabs the camera:

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

MTV cribs

Here are a couple still shots and a video that I took tonight after putting the boys down for bed. They continue this way for several minutes, gradually wind down, collapse in a heap and then fall asleep. Sweet, sweet sleep.

Mother's little helpers

The boys and I are spending nine days together while Joe is in Arizona for work. So far, so good. We spent the weekend going for walks and visiting friends. Henry and Nathan like to help me load and unload the dishwasher. (It's really my desperate attempt to occupy them while I make some dinner.)

Twins times two

We spent Saturday afternoon visiting with Carrie and her identical twins Finn and Reid. We met through friends of friends - moms of twins tend to group together for moral support! Finn and Reid are very good natured and are only a couple months younger than H&N. A fun time was had by all. Here are some pictures that Carrie took during our play date.

Nate and Reid

Henry demonstrating why baby proofing is important

Henry and Nate are cool cats

Monday, September 10, 2007

Nap time?

You put the babies down for a nap because they are showing signs of being tired. A few minutes later you hear peals of laughter coming from their room. Here is what you find:




Let us out! We'll be good. We promise...

Caution: Naked Babies Ahead!

Sept 2: Here are some shots of Nathan and Henry after their bath. They love to crawl around naked in our bedroom and get into things!

They are attacking me!

Looking mischievous



Sunday, September 9, 2007

Second haircuts

Labor Day weekend: We went to the official barber shop for the first haircuts, but now it's time for trims at home. Number 4's on top and 2's on the side. Uncle Karl gave them nice hairdo's like in the old days at Sourdough. Henry went under the blade first and then Nathan.

What's happening to me?

Take a little off the top

Lookin' good

Lookin' real good

Now it's Nathan's turn. Here is the 'before' picture.

I'll smile for the camera under any conditions!

What a cutie

Daddy too!


Aug 17: Another picture from the ELC. They'd be cool except for the pacifiers.