Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Friday, August 31, 2007

Big boys in separate cribs

July 29: Separate cribs
The boys are taking it quite well. They always get giggly and cute right before bed. It's their best ploy to try to stay up late.

Henry laughs
Nathan is coy with his blanket

There he is!

1 comment:

Aunt Buster said...

Hi Jessie and Joe,
Pengy gave me your blog address so I just had a
tour of the "twinsers". They are absolutely
adorable!!! How difficult is it to tell them apart?
They are soooo IDENTICAL. Love the big smiles
and dimples! In fact you all look beautiful, happy,
and healthy. So glad all is well. What a big,
pregnant, "project". I hear Grannie Penguin is flying north for the 1st year birthday bash. Have
a wonderful celebration.
Love, Aunt Buster