Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Friday, December 11, 2009

Birthday song video

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Maui luau

I can't resist posting this angelic picture of Nathan and Henry at a luau in Maui a couple weeks ago.


Here is a picture of Nathan in his Spiderman outfit (on trike with helmet). Lookin' good! Henry and Nathan wore their Spiderman outfits many places in Anchorage and were often seen at Fred Meyer. Shoppers at Fred's were probably wondering how the same Spiderman child could be so many places at once, not realizing that there were two of them.

It is fun to observe the growing minds of kids. Nate and Henry are interested in building more complex structures now and can play with them for quite a while. So smart and good.


I bought Halloween costumes early this year and selected Fireman (with axe) and Spiderman outfits. Nathan and Henry loved the costumes and took their roles as firemen very seriously. They spent hours "working" on the log pile in the backyard. I'm not sure why firemen would need to dismantle a log pile, but their brains just associate fires and wood. We didn't get into the details of how firemen put out fires.

Alaska State Fair 2009

I have lots of video of the boys from the fair, but the only still photos are posted below. More pony rides!! Joe and I ran the boys ragged, we had so much fun. It was a free-for-all of food, candy, reptiles, rides, tractors and animals. After the fair, we drove out to Copper Center to stay with Joe's brother's family before spending Labor Day weekend at the homestead. The boys had a slumber party with their cousins, and I think they were up until midnight. Craziness.
The last picture is from the Beach Boys concert. Joe and I went out mid-week and without kids for a date. It was fun!

Toddler beds

Below are pictures of Henry and Nathan's toddler beds. We bought these early in the summer thinking "surely they'll climb out of the cribs any day now". Our boys loved their cribs so much and they never climbed out! Amazing. Joe and I finally kicked them out of their cribs in early September. H&N are getting so long and we want to get some use out of these beds before they outgrow them. So far there haven't been too many problems with getting out of bed at night. Sometimes I have to separate them at nap time because they get wild. All in all, it has been a success.

Giddy Up

Nate and Henry are now experienced horsemen. They used to choose the smallest ponies like Blossom, but now they pick the biggest ones like Big Red. They have ridden ponies all over Anchorage this year, and the pictures below were taken outside the Sears Mall this summer. Before I had kids, I thought it was mean to make these ponies trudge around in a circle. Now our car always breaks for ponies wherever they may be trudging. Whatever H&N want, H&N get. :)