Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 25, 2009

More school photos?!

I had to post these from the more recent photo shoot at school. Angels!

Happy father's day video

Happy Father's Day 2009 from Jessie Chmielowski on Vimeo.

Solstice weekend at Spencer Glacier

We spent a fun-filled weekend camping at the Spencer Glacier with a bunch of friends. We drove to Portage, boarded the train and got off at the Spencer Glacier whistle stop:

Then we walked a little over a mile to the campground:

Joe and I each slept with a child in these 2-man tents:
Nathan cozy in his sleeping bag:
Our tents were very close to this fabulous view of the glacier:
Glacier view near the campground:

Each day we walked along this 1.5 mile trail right up to the glacier:

Joe at the glacier:
Henry walking on the glacier:
Angel Face Nathan on the train going home: