Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Potter Creek Trail take 2

We took another stroll on the Potter Creek trail last weekend. It's the perfect place for guys who like to walk, pick up rocks and point at things. Henry and Nathan really like it too. :)

June Jubilee

Henry and Nathan started using nicknames for each other a few weeks ago. Super cute! Nathan is 'Nay-nay', and Henry is 'Nee-nee'.

Nathan's ready to swim some laps:

So much laundry to fold!

Cheeky monkey (Nate):
Cheeky monkey (Henry):
Reading is fun:
Henry likes the vet car ride at Chuck E. Cheese:

Nathan being silly around the house:
Baby wrestling:
Henry playing quietly (for about 3 seconds):
Henry taking a break:
Coloring (aka eating crayons and licking pens):