Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Return of the Oompa-Loompas

I wasn't feeling too well last weekend so Joe gave me some quiet time by taking the boys outside. This path in our backyard is created by the Chariot on our daily walks to and from work. They like to walk around and try to pull their sleds behind them. The masking tape is a tip we learned from the ELC to keep gloves from falling off. It works!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Week in Pictures: Part 2

We really loved having my mom, aka Grandma, here for a week. Especially Henry and Nathan who got to come home early from the ELC for extra hugs and kisses. They also each got a day of singleton time with Grandma. On Tuesday and Wednesday she picked one baby up at the ELC and they spent some quality time together at the Anchorage Museum looking at masks and animals. Then they went home for lunch and a long nap before I came home with the other baby.
Grandma and Henry at bedtime:
Grandma and Henry right before going to bed:
Joe, me and the twins downtown for Fur Rondy:
Half-melted ice sculptures downtown:
Grandma, me and the twins:
Henry wears a backpack (diaper bag) around the house as a feat of strength:

Henry doing laps around the kitchen:
Nathan laughs it up during snack time:

A Week in Pictures: Part 1

Our boys are growing up so fast! Here are some photos from last week.
Our friend, Katie, visited for dinner, and the boys stuck to her like glue (she has strong arms like me):
Henry takes 'er easy in a small cardboard box:
Do you want to hear the most annoying sound in the world? There is a button for it on the top of this firehouse:
Nate and Henry LOVE to read. Each one will select a book, walk over to you, turn around, slowly back into your lap and sit down. They especially love sensory books where you feel different textures on the pages. So cute!!
Cute Henry body standing on the couch and spying on the neighbors:
H&N listen as Grandma reads to them from the pop-out book. She thought this would be a fun book until the babies tried to rip out the pop-out parts. Would these angels do that?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Grandma arrived on Saturday night for a weeklong visit. We are so happy to have her here! Henry and Nathan are getting lots of extra attention, hugs and kisses. On Monday afternoon we took a stroll around the zoo. The boys and the animals were pretty laid back. Here are a few shots taken with my rad new iPhone.

Observing the eating habits of the snow leopard:
Checking out animals with Grandma:
Not afraid of a grizzly bear:

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Joe and I love our baby oompa-loompas! We couldn't resist showing off their shapely figures in the blue/purple snowsuits. The top picture of Henry and the shots from behind best illustrate what we mean. Don't miss the oompa-loompas in action at the end!

Around the house

Here are some photos taken around the house last week. It has been especially cold here lately. Most mornings last week had temperatures in the negative teens.
Here are Nate and Henry bouncing on Joe and testing his abs of steel:
Nathan gets too close to the camera (nice chompers):
Henry and his monkey play with the piggy bank:
Nate and Henry enjoy some quiet play time:

Shout out to Matt

Suzy's boyfriend, Matt, spent a lot of quality time with me, Joe and the twins over Christmas. Here are Matt and Suzy with the twins on Xmas day. See how Matt is in tune with the twins - they are all wearing blue striped shirts.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Ski for Women

On Sunday I participated in the Alaska Ski for Women. It's a 4K race around Kincaid park and was a lot of fun! Here is a photo of me with the BP team. My friend Katie was visiting from Azerbaijan, and she is on the far right.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Baby fight

For some unknown reason the Bumbo chair made a comeback and was hugely popular last week. One baby would seat himself in the chair and the other would try to horn in with disasterous results. We call this a 'baby fight'. Why was this chair recalled?

Videos: stacking and eating

Here are a few videos of Nathan stacking cups and N&H making a big mess by feeding themselves cream of wheat.