Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy First Birthday to Nate and Henry!!!

Here are a few pictures from today. I will update the blog with more info about our fun weekend in the next few days. Henry and Nathan turned one year old today!! We had cookies at the ELC, opened presents and blew out candles. We love you, Nate and Henry!!
Henry, Joe and Nate eating cookies at the ELC:
Jessie & Henry having fun at ELC:

Opening birthday presents:

Celebrating their first birthday in style with big candles:

Friday, October 19, 2007

Food and play

Nate and Henry prepare to eat dinner. They are getting quite good at eating table foods, but still rely on baby food and bottles. People often ask what is different between them, and one small difference is that Henry usually crosses his ankles in the high chair and Nathan rarely does.
Henry emerges from the Playhut:

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Slippery when wet

Joe, Henry and Nathan play in the bathtub. Yeah for baths!! Vigilance is needed because these babies are as slippery as watermelon seeds.


Nate and Henry cruise in the Chariot (pictures taken on different days). Now that it's cold, they have to wear fleece, hats and lobster gloves. As you can see below, Henry is less than thrilled at being bundled up.
Nathan takes a snooze:

Haircuts and the Valley

On October 7th we gave the babies haircuts and went out to Wasilla to visit Karl and LaQuita.

Nathan with wild hair (pre-haircut) and two bottom chompers:
Henry with wild hair and who looks disconcertingly like Karl in this photo:

Karl and Nathan take it easy:

LaQuita looking good at ~36 weeks pregnant:

Snow-covered Pioneer:

Monday, October 8, 2007


A couple videos of the boys playing with cars on the kitchen floor. They like the clicking noises the cars make when they are pushed backwards.


N&H eat a few puffs in their highchairs while waiting for the main course.

Sacked out

This is how we find the babies in the morning on school days. If they could, they would beg for a few more minutes please!

Caped Crusader

The Caped Crusader strikes again! He grabs the remote and bangs it hard on the table! If only we knew who this baby was!? The other child of the house, aka Camera Grabber, is pictured at the end.

Joe's 34th Birthday

Joe turned 34 years young on Sunday. We had a small party with Shawn McNerlin who turned 25 on the same day. I made some awesome chocolate cupcakes that were to die for. Nate (in blue) assisted Joe while opening his presents. Henry (in red) was ready to jump in if needed. A picture of Shawn with his birthday cupcake is also included.

Leaves are falling down

Here are a few pictures from last weekend. The leaves are changing color and falling to the ground. It seems like some trees lose their leaves overnight! It's getting into the 30's at night, and it could snow any day!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Mind Games

Joe and I may have a twisted sense of humor. We thought it was funny to watch the boys try to catch a laser dot on the floor. Apparently the best way to catch a laser dot is to point your index finger at it. :)


Joe took a short video of the boys sitting on the lawn and playing with leaves. Autumn is one of our favorite seasons even though it is super short in Alaska!